Nå anbefaler jeg virkelig ALLE mine lesere til å skru på tv MAX og se Insider. Det handler om rusmiljøet som herjer i Oslo rundt SKippergata, og man får ett blikk på hvordan det er rundt oss når man ikke ser, eller forestiller oss. Det er helt gale… Av og til sitter jeg og lurer på hva folk tenker på for å komme inn i slike miljøer. De fleste gjør det uten vilje, men noen er full klar over hva de begir seg ut på. Skummelt! 


1 kommentar

    1. What kind of drugs are prevalent in Oslo? It will be very interesting to observe the effects of the recent legalization of Marijuana in Colorado and Washington. Polls indicate that most Americans favor the legalization of it. It will be tightly regulated for safety and highly taxed. I don’t use it, so I can’t speak to the addictiveness or pharmacological issues it will present. I have heard that heroin is the most addictive and terrible, and crystal meth is supposed to be incredibly hard to stop. And alcohol and nicotine are probably just as harmful, however socially acceptable they may be. There was an attempt to ban booze called the ‘Prohibition’ here, but it was more or less a huge failure, and seemed to have created more problems than it solved. I think the escapism and euphoria that constitute the appeal of mind-altering substances are best replaced by the most powerful emotion of all, that is love.

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